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Do you wish your congregation was more diverse? Have you ever encountered conflicts because of cultural or racial differences and didn't know how you got there or what to do next? Then this event is for you!


The NWWA and SWWA synods of the ELCA invite all congregations to join us for a special joint event sponsored by our anti-racism teams. We will spend a day studying "Called to Allyship," a book written by ELCA rostered leaders of color from across the country. One of the authors is Rev. Priscilla Paris-Austin, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran in Seattle's South Lake Union neighborhood, who will be helping to lead our discussion. Other discussion leaders are pastors and lay leaders from congregations who have read this together.


The book can be purchased from major booksellers, preferably directly from Augsburg Fortress:


Says one local congregation member: "This is an important anti-racism book for any congregation to read. Any congregation will benefit from it!"


Cost is $40 - Lunch is included and will be provided by Light of Grace Lutheran Church, a Korean ministry with a catering ministry. Get ready for a delicious Korean feast!



Please register by Feb 22


Register HERE